Welcome Earthlings!

Welcome Muggles and Wizards!

These blogs are imported from my old blog just in case you are wondering why I've only posted it recently when all hype for this fantasy had already died down. I personally do not believe it had anyway so I couldn't care less. ^^ Thanks for visiting! Hit me up whenever on the chatbox provided. Muffliato! :D

Friday, May 13, 2016

Hogwarts Staff

I'm just going to copy this one down okay?


     Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
     Professor Minerva McGonagall
     HUFFLEPUFF: Proffesor Sprout
     RAVENCLAW: Professor Flitwick
     SLYTHERIN: Proffessor Severus Snape
     GRYFFINDOR: Professor Minerva McGonagall
Transfiguration: Professor Minerva McGonagall
Potions: Professor Severus Snape
History: Professor Binns
Charms: Professor Filius Flitwick
Care of Magical Creatures:
     Professor Kettleburn (1st yr-2nd yr)
    Professor Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank (substitute)
    Professor Rubeus Hagrid (3rd yr)
Professor Sibyll Trelawney
Professor Firenze (6th yr)
Herbology: Professor Sprout
Arithmancy: Professor Vector
Ancient Runes:
Muggle studies: Professor Burbage
Astronomy: Professor Sinistra
Librarian: Madam Pince
Hospital wing healer: Madam Poppy Pomfrey
Flying instructor/Quidditch referee: Madam Hooch
Caretaker: Argus Filch
Keeper of Keys: Rubeus Hagrid

P.S. I don't honor sites who gives the names of the Harry Potter characters. Even wiki. Unless there's an official statement from J.K. I might have to visit J.K.'s site. And don't hesitate to drop me suggestions okay? Thanks. :)

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